Visa Processing

Saudi Visa Processing in Pakistan:

Altayyar Overseas Employment Agency is registered with Saudi Consulate Islamabad and Saudi Consulate Karachi too. Saudi Employers while applying new visas can select the Consulate option either for Islamabad or Karachi. It doesn’t mean that candidate will have to move to Karachi or Islamabad city for visa stamping. Candidates from any location will have to contact us and we shall get his visa stamped.

We offer fast and hassle-free visa processing services for individuals as well as companies for their recruited manpower in Pakistan at a very low price. Below is the detail for transferring e-wakala at our agency.

Saudi Visa Processing in Pakistan

Visa Processing in Pakistan:

We are pleased to offer a distinguished visa processing service to companies from all over the world. Get all your recruited candidates from Pakistan without any hassle. Feels free to contact us for more information.

All employment visa holders are required to get protector stamping on their passports before deployment.

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